Meet the McCoskeys:
DR. TERRY McCOSKEY has been an upper cervical chiropractor for twenty eight years in the Dayton, Ohio area, dedicating his life and career to promoting the health of his patients. He has worked to advance the chiropractic profession by serving in a
variety of capacities for local, state and national chiropractic associations. Also committed to community service, Dr. McCoskey is a member and
past president of the Fairborn Rotary Club.
As a result of the knowledge that he has acquired over his time of service, Dr. McCoskey is becoming widely known as an authority for health and wellness information, and life-style tips. He also serves as a guest lecturer at chiropractic colleges, community organizations and corporations, as well as appearing on local TV and radio. You can tune into his and Dr. Burns’ engaging, enlightening, and
entertaining podcast: Pair-O-Dox, weekly on iTunes and iHeart radio.
LISA McCOSKEY, CECP is a nutritional consultant, toxin-free lifestyle coach, and Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. She feels that it is imperative to consider the trinity of healing, which centers around our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves. As healing occurs, other areas of our lives are likewise transformed, and we become more congruent with the life that our Creator has planned for us. You can follow her on Instagram @alivingwelllife, or join her private Facebook group for exclusive hints, tips, and tricks at a Living Well Life. Look for her next book, The Ultimate Guide to A Living Well Life, coming soon.
Together they have three brilliant daughters, Caitlin, Lily & Grace, who are married to their three hard-working sons-in-law, Andres, Andrew, and Graham, and they delight in the antics of their two exuberant grandsons, Hawk & Noble, as often as possible. They live in small town Ohio with Lisa's white dove, Oliver, where they enjoy spending time with family seeking to serve God in a way that is pleasing to Him, and to fulfill the purpose for which they were created.